Individual Rankings

Middle School Madness

Yearly Rankings

Monthly Rankings

  1. April 2024
  2. March 2024
  3. February 2024
  4. January 2024

How are Rankings Calculated?

Rankings are calculated using a weekly point system. Each time a participant submits a correct answer to a current* problem they will receive:

  • 10 points for number 1 on a weekly list
  • 9 points for numbers 2 - 5
  • 8 points for numbers 6 - 10
  • 7 points for numbers 11 - 20
  • 6 points for numbers 21 - 40
  • 5 points for numbers 41 - 60
  • 4 points for numbers 61 - 80
  • 3 points for numbers 81 - 99
  • 2 points for numbers 100 - 199
  • 1 point for numbers 200+

Weekly points are added to the monthly and annual totals.

* Problems are considered current if they are less than 7 days old. Current problems begin 8am Central on Monday and expire at 7am Central the following Monday.